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about ED-Lab

EDLab project aims to further the implementation of European and international joint degree programmes and the European Degree Label through a network of 13 universities and 35 associated partners including European University Alliances, ministries and quality assurance agencies.
EDLab is part of the initiative of the European Commission to pilot a joint European degree label based on a set of common criteria. The initiative was announced in the European Strategy for Universities and the Council recommendation on building bridges for effective European higher education cooperation, adopted on 5 April 2022.
More specifically, EDLab objectives are:
  • Analyse the suitability of the criteria proposed by the European Commission for the award of the European Degree Label (EDLabel);
  • Analyse the barriers existing for their fulfilment, with particular but not exclusive reference to four target countries: France, Italy, Portugal and Spain;
  • Analyse how an EDLabel and joint programmes enhance the global attractiveness of the European Higher Education System;
  • Analyse the procedure for the issue of an EDLabel and its format, along with potential barriers to be addressed.
  • Produce detailed recommendations on the basis of the project’s findings.


EDLab project has been funded by the European Commission through its Erasmus+ Pilot a joint European degree label initiative, with a total budget of 200.000 €


EDLab total duration is 12 months, from 2023-03-01 to 2024-03-01.
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