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WORK PACKAGE 4:Template for a joint European degree certificate

Report on the pilot issuing of a joint European degree label certificate following the compliancy exercise

The aim of this exercise was to test the process of issuing a joint European degree label certificate. The testing was performed in two stages. First, joint programmes of HEI project partners were screened against the common European criteria through a step-by-step approach to determine their compliance. The identification process was performed jointly by the leads of work package 4 (Ghent University (BE)) and work package 2 (University of Cádiz (ES)). Second, and based on the outcomes of the compliancy exercise, a selection of joint programmes of EDLab HEI partners was invited to pilot issue a joint European degree label certificate, and have done so successfully to a total of 59 graduate students. This report summarizes the process to identifying compliant joint programmes, the process of pilot issuing tailored, personalized label certificates and the lessons learnt from both activities. The report closes with a set of conclusions and general recommendations on the added value of the joint European degree label, a future labelling procedure and evaluation of compliance, and on the design of the joint European degree label certificate.

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