EDLab I Steering Committee Meeting
Fri, Apr 14
|Virtual Google Meet
Virtual (Google Meet) - https://meet.google.com/beg-pjio-kmt (or go to https://meet.google.com and use the code beg-pjio-kmt)

Time & Location
Apr 14, 2023, 11:00 AM GMT+2
Virtual Google Meet
About the event
- [Decision] Approval of the agenda
- [Information] Information from the EACEA KoM
- [Information] (WP1) Recap of internal communication flows
- [Information] (WP1 & WP4) EDLab improvement plan (draft proposal)
https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1FyZhk34gi9JuAvN9-XJSK2pYIf_0JFk_x_CfBVTtXmI https://docs.google.com/document/d/1kxhOzGsuwtAZJFDHQUY__BslDIsHHX8S/edit
- [Discussion] (WP1) Revision of due dates (if needed)
- [Discussion] (WP2) Connections between WP2 and WP4
- [Discussion] (WP2) Partnership Agreement
- [Discussion] (WP1?) National coordination groups
“The following institutions will coordinate these:
- France - Lyon1;
- Italy – Padua; - first meeting with other HEIs involved in pilot projects planned for end of April (date tbc); meeting with ANVUR on 13/04 (Marilena Mendiaci; Simone Via), very happy to contribute, etc.
- Portugal - Algarve;
- Spain - Granada”
- [Discussion] (WP1, 4 & 5) Events: Organisation and timing (e.g. webinars’ series and workshops)
- General intro webinar (introduction to European Strategy for Universities, European Degree & Label concept, EDlab project)
It should be open to our university communities (with a focus on JP coordinators, but open also to other staff members)
Proposed date: 10 or 11 May 2023, after 12:30 pm →to be decided: date and time + who will present? only Dorothy & UNIPD or all WP Leads? Unipd will take care of the organisation of the webinar, template for invitations, etc.
- Webinars’ series
“a webinar-series on key issues related to joint programme development and degree awarding. Topics will include (amongst others): accreditation, issuing of digital certificates; global dimension of joint programmes”
Proposed topics (also based on WP5 survey results): Webinar 1: Accreditation, 25 May afternoon or 26 May morning 2023 (decide on a date and time!) The webinar will include a short presentation of the current situation in the 4 target countries (presented by QA Agencies or Ministries); a short explanation of the European Approach (by Flemish Agency?); focus on existing barriers; Q&A UNIPD will take care of the organisation of the webinar, template for invitations, etc.
Webinar 2: Digital certificates Check with WP4 what the best timing is; involve CIMEA as a speaker
Webinar 3: Global dimension of JP Possible dates: late september / early October Involve speakers from our global networks (UNIMED, Montevideo, etc)
Other ideas?
ANVUR: Mapping results presentation
- Workshops
Proposed dates for the workshop in Lyon: June 5/6/8 or 9
- Final conference
- EDLAB website & dissemination material (WP5) Quick update on progress so far (Giulia)
- [Type of agenda item] (WPx) Agenda item
- …
Download webinar documents
After each webinar slideshows and other materials will be available for download here.