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Final event: Erasmus+ pilot projects - A blueprint for a European degree

Mon, Apr 29


Streaming on YouTube

Results of Erasmus+ pilots on the European degree label & a possible European legal status for alliances of higher education institutions. The event is also an opportunity for the European Commission to present the European degree package, adopted on 27 March 2024.

Final event: Erasmus+ pilot projects - A blueprint for a European degree
Final event: Erasmus+ pilot projects - A blueprint for a European degree

Time & Location

Apr 29, 2024, 9:00 AM – 6:00 PM

Streaming on YouTube

About the event

In the wake of the adoption of the Commission’s Communication on a blueprint for a European degree, this is your chance to hear from the trailblazing Erasmus+ pilot projects that have spearheaded efforts in the seamless delivery of joint degree programmes and the establishment of a possible European legal status for alliances of higher education institutions. Their work was the basis of the Commission’s work on a blueprint for a European degree, presented on 27 March.

This event is co-organised by all Erasmus+ pilot projects and the European Commission.

It will feature representatives from the pioneering Erasmus+ pilot projects, Member States, the wider higher education sector and European Commission. They will share their insights and experiences in bringing these initiatives to life. The event is an opportunity for national and European policymakers, as well as for rectors, academic and administrative staff of higher education institutions, students and representatives of the wider higher education and business sector to engage in discussions on the necessary steps to make a European degree a reality.

Don’t miss out on this unique opportunity to be part of the future of higher education.

Join us online on 29 April as of 9:00 AM.

Please register here by Wednesday 22 April 2024.

Your registration will be final only upon receipt of a confirmation email including the online connection details.

Event Agenda:

09:00 - 09:15 Opening by a Rector of the pilot projects

09:15 - 09:30 Keynote speech Commissioner Iliana Ivanova “A blueprint for a European degree"

09.30 - 10.15 Challenges for joint degree programmes, Presentation by and discussion with the pilot projects

10.15 - 11.00 Added value of a European degree, Presentation by and discussion with the pilot projects

11:00 - 11.30 Coffee Break

11.30 - 12.15 The proposed European criteria, Presentation by and discussion with the pilot projects

12.15 - 13.00 Recommendations for the future, Panel discussion with all 6 pilot projects

13.00 - 14.00 Lunch Break

14.00 - 14.45 Legal status for alliances: added value, Presentation by and discussion with the pilot projects

14.45 - 15.30 Legal status for alliances: the way forward, Presentation by and discussion with the pilot projects

15.30 - 16.00 Coffee Break and Poster session

16.00 - 16.45 Moving forward with Member States and the Higher Education sector, Panel discussion with Member States, Higher Education institutions, students and European Commission

16:45-17:00 Closing, By the European Commission

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Joint session with the event organised by the Belgian Presidency, European University Alliances: Drivers of Change and Innovation in Higher Education

Venue: Université libre de Bruxelles

17.15 -18.00 Reaching out to the wider Higher Education community: linking with the event of Belgian universities in the framework of the Belgian Presidency

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For any further information, please use

We look forward to seeing you all!

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Event hosted by

Université Libre de Bruxelles

Erasmus+ pilot projSMARTT pilot projectects on a possible European legal status foralliances of higher education institutions

with the participation of

European Commission

Erasmus+ pilot projects on the joint European degree label







Erasmus+ pilot projects on a possible European legal status for alliances of higher education institutions





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Download webinar documents

After each webinar slideshows and other materials will be available for download here.

1st EDLab webinar: "European policy experimentation in higher education: piloting a joint European degree label"
May 10th 2023
Screenshot 2023-05-10 alle 15.07.10.png
2nd EDLab webinar: "Accreditation of joint programmes: current practices and future prospectives"
May 26th 2023
Screenshot 2023-06-01 alle 16_edited.jpg
3rd EDLab webinar: "European Degree Label Global Attractiveness"
January 31st 2024
Screenshot 2024-01-31 alle 17.50.25.png
4th EDLab webinar: "The road ahead to a European degree: lessons learned from the European Degree Label institutional laboratory"
April 3rd 2024
Screenshot 2024-04-09 alle 10.13.03.png
EN Co-funded by the EU_PANTONE.jpg

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.



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