31 January 2024, from 10:00 to 11:30 am CET (register here).
The main purpose of this event (3rd webinar of our series) is to discuss how a European Degree Label and joint programmes in general can enhance the global attractiveness of the European (Higher) Education Area, especially the perceived potential attractiveness and added value for employers.
10:00 - 10:10 Welcome & Short introduction to EDLab - Alessandra Gallerano, University of Padua
10:10 -1 0:30 Presentation of EDLab survey results on the ‘Global Attractiveness of the European Degree Label’, Isabel Nunes, Vice-Rector, Universidade NOVA de Lisboa
10:30 - 11:15 Panel Discussion with employers, alumni, global networks and international student recruiters:
· Rajon Bhuiyan, EMA’s Director of the Outreach and Capacity Building Unit
· Jordan Hammond, EMA's Director Policy and Quality Assurance
· Marcello Scalisi, UNIMED Director
· Camilla Andreani, Head of Recruitment, University of Padua
· Sara Farófia, Marketing & Admissions Executive of Globeducate – International Schools
Moderator: Ana Lebre, Head of Quality, Accreditation, and Employability Office, Universidade NOVA de Lisboa
11:15 - 11:30: Q&A