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EDLab participates in the II Forum on European Universities Alliances.

Arqus, ENLIGHT, EUTOPIA and SEA-EU Alliances, represented by Andries Verspeeten (Ghent University), presented the EDLab project at the "II Forum on European University Alliances” organised by the Spanish Presidency of the Council of the European Union in Barcelona on September 14th and 15th.

The Spanish Presidency of the European Union invited the 6 pilot projects on the European Degree Label (ED-AFFICHE, EDLab, FOCI, JEDI, ETIKETA, and SMARTT), assisted by Vanessa Debiais-Sainton, Head of the Higher Education Unit of the European Commission, to discuss the Joint European Degree Label. As we approach the halfway point of the 12 months projects, the Forum was a great opportunity to discuss the state of advancement of each project, comparing the different approaches and results to date.

The session, moderated by Dorothy Kelly, focused on the following issues: :

• What is the added value of the Joint European Degree (and joint European Degree label at first) concept?: what is the overall purpose and how do stakeholders perceive potential benefits and positive impact of such a label?

• Which type of educational offer is within the scope of this initiative? Is it only for full joint study programmes, or should other types of transnational education models (e.g.micro-credentials) need to be included?

• How do pilot projects and stakeholders (higher education institutions, students, alumni, national authorities, quality assurance agencies, employers…) assess the criteria proposed as a basis for the issue of the Joint European Degree Label? Are the criteria measurable in their current form? Are there proposals to modify the criteria? In which way? What should the role of the “optional” criteria be?

• Are the criteria applicable to joint degree programmes for the regulated professions such as Medicine or Engineering? What are the specificities of this kind of disciplines with regard to joint programme design and delivery? What implications for the professions?

• Do we already have an idea of how many joint programmes exist in Europe? What percentage of these actually issue joint degrees? What are the major obstacles to the implementation and issuing of joint degrees today? Can we calculate what percentage of existing joint programmes fulfil the criteria as they stand today?

with the purpose of identifying difficulties and design strategies to overcome them and move forward to ensure the recognition of joint degree programmes fulfilling shared criteria, to design procedures for the issuing of the corresponding certificate, to ensure the perception of the label as bringing added value for students, employers and higher education institutions

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Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.



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